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Begging: A Blot

Take a look through these pics, snapped just last week 16 December 2018 at Town Hall. It is a blot on the fair name of our country. Begging is an evil though in Pakistan it has become an organised profession. Almost at every step, one is greeted by a beggar. As a concept and in practice, begging is a complex, ambivalent phenomenon which can be witnessed all over the world but in terms of scale remains larger still in developing countries such as Pakistan.Within the context of Pakistan, people are often divided on their views on begging, creating a division of standpoints; those who empathize with the issue and those who are critical of it. 

With the perspective of the begging, PHF organized a campaign to prohibit this custom which is the result of guilt. This campaign is about requesting citizens to stop giving out money to street children which they usually do out of sympathy, and instead donate it to those working for children’s education.  There are 25 million beggars in the country.  They can be seen outside shopping malls, near mosques and shrines and on all the roads and footpaths. We think that begging has to stop. We should make all make complain to our Government to take serious action on this issue and also make some rehabilitations center for beggars. 


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