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About Us

About the Organization

Path to Humanity Foundation is a non-profit organization set up under section 42 of Companies Ordinance 2017, by a group of passionate individuals who wanted to bring about positive change through education, women empowerment and livelihood promotion. PHF also aspires to improve the living conditions of the poor and marginalized groups by adopting strategies through community initiative, participation and sensitization. PHF has engaged several women self-help groups who have been taken as the base for all interventions and livelihood activities enabling them to contribute towards mainstream development process.

We envision gender sensitized, violence free, democratic and peaceful socio-economic empowerment of underprivileged people of Pakistan where all citizens can avail their potential for the societal benefits on equal basis without any discrimination
We are on a mission to empower children to become agents of positive change and increase the level of employment field for disadvantaged women by providing bold livelihoods options that can enhance women’ economic status, dignity, and decision-making within their families.
Integrity and Accountability, Excellence, Ownership, Continuous Improvement, Responsible stewardship.


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