Path to Humanity Foundation is creating sensitivity and acceptance that the state should act to provide a systematic response to violation of children’s right to protection. For this purpose we arranged another workshop related to child Resilience Development Program named “Dastak” at Govt School for Boys, Nasheman e Iqbal, Lahore on Wednesday 28-03-2018 with a male gender. The main objective of this workshop is to explore understanding of what child abuse is and raise awareness of signs and possible consequences of child abuse. PHF arranged different activities to ensure that children have access to functioning child protection systems at national and local levels that effectively prevents, responds to abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence against children in all setting in Pakistan.
Path to humanity foundation organized Training Workshop on Women in Leadership. This training workshop was conduct for students of DHMS in HUSSAIN MEMORIAL Homeopathic Medical College on the date of 13, 02, 2018.PHF target teenage girls and boys to create sense of leadership. In the workshop the main objectives were, to empower the women, to give awareness about leadership for students. In the workshop, target population, trainer and facilitator were involved. The trainer role very significance in the workshop trainer was guide to students about all aspects of leadership. Like, what is leadership, why leadership is necessary, difference between good leadership and bad leadership. And facilitators were provided the same resources of the students during activities and also guide them. In the workshop, our objectives were to accept that they are valuable, to appreciate their strengths, to enhance their abilities, to improve their self confidence and participatory approach. We ...
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